November 10, 2013

European quality label

Our project received the Etwinning European Quality Label.

October 08, 2013

France - Quality label

Hello partners,
Etwinning France gave us the quality label for our project.

Congratulations again to our pupils for their great job !

July 25, 2013


SOCIAL NETWORKING: Presentation of Global Results

Dear eTwinning partners,
We would like to share the results of our study on the topic chosen “Social Networking” and our first conclusions.
 Conclusions drawn:
1. Expectedly, almost all students, except for 3% (2 students) have an account on, at least, one social network and 67% said they accessed their account daily, with 26% accessing their accounts more than twice a day.
2. The preferred social network is for 67,2% Facebook. We have observed that young people are exploring new or alternative social networks like whatsapp.
3. The majority of the project partners use their social network account mostly to share photos (65,5%) and to share information (59,9%), after what comes the online games playing (31%). Curiously, only a minority (5,2%) answered to use it to do research for school work.
4. Although the majority of the respondents (74%) have 100 or more friends on their account, with 40% declaring to have than 200, 89% answered that they do not accept any friend’s request.
5. Regarding the protection of one’s privacy on social networks, pupils have shown that they are not capable of referring to concrete measures to protect themselves, like not publishing personal information, or not identifying people on photos etc…
6. Another aspect to take into account is the lack of information about incidents and risks of social networking unsafely, revealed by the majory who answered haven’t ever heard about  any problem.
7. We are aware that the conclusions presented are superficial and require deeper analysis. So, We intend to discuss these results more deeply in September and elaborate on these conclusions. We are interested in starting an eTwinning project next school year to address this issue of e-safety.
To see the results, follow the link below:

Thank you for your collaboration in replying our questionnaire. June 2013. Class 9B, Agrupamento de Escola de Sátão. Portugal.

June 04, 2013

France - Dutch answers to our questionnaire

Here are the Dutch answers to our questionnaire:

France -Portuguese answers to our questionnaire

Here are the Portuguese  answers to our survey about hobbies:

France - Results of our survey

My pupils finished to represent the diagrams relative to the Portuguese and the Dutch answers to our questionnaire.
With the help of other English teachers in our school, the questionnaire has been asked to several forms "level 4ème".
My pupils also built the diagrams representing theses answers.
They are now creating the global pie charts for all forms "level 4ème" which have participated to the survey.

May 02, 2013

France - Easter cards from Portugal and Spain

French pupils received the Easter cards from Spain, and the gifts and cards from Portugal.
Many thanks !

April 30, 2013

France - Questionnaires from The Netherlands and from Portugal

Today French pupils answered the questionnaires from the Netherlands (by writing, and all materials have been returned by the Post this afternoon) and from Portugal (online).
Best regards from Draguignan

April 25, 2013

Questionnaire on SOCIAL NETWORKS available online.

Dear partners,

We invite you to reply our questionnaire online. Follow the link:

After you have replied it, please submit it. Thank you.

The Portuguese Team.
Dear partners

We would like to wish you all a pleasant Spring with a bouquet of flowers and thank you for your Easter cards. In Portugal we are having nice warm days, around 20ªC, so we are going to school in short sleeves. :)

Portuguese Team

March 13, 2013

Our topics for surveys

Here are the topics we are going to work on:

SPAIN : "family members" and "favourite meal"

UK :" height /weight" (problem with overweight in Europe, BMI and food culture in different countries)

FRANCE : "hobbies" (sports included)

PORTUGAL : "future ambition" or "technology"

THE NETHERLANDS: "use of social media" and "personal life"

France - Easter cards

French pupils prepared some Easter cards for their etwinning partners.
These cards will leave Draguignan tomorrow morning!
Bye bye !

February 13, 2013

France- Recordings of pupils'presentations

Hello partners,
French pupils recorded their presentations.
You can listen to them following this link:
France - Recordings of pupils'presentations
Bye bye !

January 20, 2013

France : Maths lessons in English language

Hello partners !
French pupils began to work with Maths worksheets in English language (percentages, pictograms, introduction on handling data).
I hope we will share documents :o)

January 01, 2013

Happy New Year 2013 !

Best wishes from France !
Carole Terpereau